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Compare to Flakes

Nix Flakes provide a standard way to write Nix expressions.

Documentation  Wiki


Vanilla Flakes expects users to configure everything in flake.nix and manually import any needed files.

Conflake builds on top of Flakes to offer file-based attribute loading and practical defaults, enhancing productivity in authoring Flakes.

See the homepage for a list of provided features.


Edit flake.nix to match the following format:

  outputs = { conflake, ... }@inputs:
      outputs = {};  # Your existing `outputs`
    conflake ./. {
      inherit inputs outputs;

      presets.enable = false;

  inputs.conflake.url = "github:ratson/conflake";

Line 4: Copy existing outputs to here.

Line 9: Optional if your outputs is not conflicting to the presets.

Then migrate your outputs to Conflake options.