The checks
option allows you to add checks for checks.${system}
It can be set to an attribute set of checks, which can be functions, derivations, or strings.
If a check is a derivation, it will be used as is.
If a check is a string, it will be included in a bash script that runs it in a copy of the source directory, and succeeds if the no command in the string errored.
If a check is a function, it will be passed packages, and should return one of the above.
For example:
inputs.conflake.url = "github:ratson/conflake";
outputs = { conflake, ... }:
conflake ./. {
checks = {
# Check that succeeds if the source contains the string "hi"
hi = { rg, ... }: "${rg}/bin/rg hi";
# Check that emacs builds
emacs = pkgs: pkgs.emacs;