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The package and packages options allow you to add packages. These are exported in the packages.${system} outputs, are included in overlays.default, and have build checks in checks.${system}.

package can be set to a package definition, and will set packages.default.

packages can be set to attrs of package definitions. If it is a function, it will additionally get a system arg in addition to module args, to allow conditionally including package definitions depending on the system.

By default, the packages.default package's name (its attribute name in the package set and overlay) is automatically determined from the derivation's pname. In order to use a different attribute name from the package pname, to set it in cases where it cannot be automatically determined, or to speed up uncached evaluation, the conflake pname option can be set.


To set the default package, you can set the options as follows:

  inputs.conflake.url = "github:ratson/conflake";
  outputs = { conflake, ... }:
    conflake ./. {
      package = { stdenv }:
        stdenv.mkDerivation {
          pname = "pkg1";
          version = "0.0.1";
          src = ./.;
          installPhase = "make DESTDIR=$out install";

The above will export packages.${system}.default attributes, add pkg1 to overlays.default, and export checks.${system}.packages-default.

You can also instead just directly set packages.default.

To set multiple packages, you can set the options as follows:

  inputs.conflake.url = "github:ratson/conflake";
  outputs = { conflake, ... }:
    conflake ./. {
      packages = {
        default = { stdenv }:
          stdenv.mkDerivation {
            name = "pkg1";
            src = ./.;
            installPhase = "make DESTDIR=$out install";
        pkg2 = { stdenv, pkg1, pkg3 }:
          stdenv.mkDerivation {
            name = "hello-world";
            src = ./pkg2;
            nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg1 pkg3 ];
            installPhase = "make DESTDIR=$out install";
        pkg3 = { stdenv }:
          stdenv.mkDerivation {
            name = "hello-world";
            src = ./pkg3;
            installPhase = "make DESTDIR=$out install";

The above will export packages.${system}.default, packages.${system}.pkg2, packages.${system}.pkg3 attributes, add pkg1, pkg2, and pkg3 to overlays.default, and export corresponding build checks.

To use the first example, but manually specify the package name:

  inputs.conflake.url = "github:ratson/conflake";
  outputs = { conflake, ... }:
    conflake ./. {
      pname = "pkgs-attribute-name";
      package = { stdenv }:
        stdenv.mkDerivation {
          pname = "package-name";
          version = "0.0.1";
          src = ./.;
          installPhase = "make DESTDIR=$out install";

To add a package only for certain systems, you can take system as an arg as follows:

  inputs.conflake.url = "github:ratson/conflake";
  outputs = { conflake, ... }:
    conflake ./. {
      packages = { system, ... }: if (system == "x86_64-linux") then {
        pkg1 = { stdenv }:
          stdenv.mkDerivation {
            name = "pkg1";
            src = ./.;
            installPhase = "make DESTDIR=$out install";
      } else { };